Fixed Asset and The Effect Of Fixed Asset Registration On The Performance Of Companies In Saudi Arabia let us help you to know The effective tag and capture new assets or maintain the quality of your asset register data with our comprehensive asset audits and reconciliation services so that you can get on with business.

Framework For Company

The framework for a company In Saudi Arabia, bookkeeping includes a range of different methods that must use for sound business performance.

Some are necessary because there are specific statutory requirements that must meet.

while others are necessary for the sake of logic.

The fixed asset registering In Saudi Arabia falls into the first category, statutory requirements.

The Companies Act (1956) makes it mandatory that businesses must ensure a fixed asset register is part of their bookkeeping process.

But what exactly is a FAR (fixed asset register)? Simply put, it is a record of the assets that a business considers to fix.

That means that the company does not consider these assets as converted to cash and are not intended for sale.

The Manufacturing Sector

That Fixed Asset Effect in the manufacturing sector would list various kinds of machinery as fixed assets, for instance.

However, fixed assets can also include things that are not tangible, such as patents and copyrights.

So, in other words, because an item considered a fixed asset, it does not mean it has to be something tangible to qualify. To this end, property and land are also listed by businesses as fixed assets.

There are several reasons why we require a register, such as the FAR. For one thing, the government wants to know.

How much a company’s fixed assets are worth for income tax. It is for this reason that the legislation exists in the first place.

However, knowing what the costs are of the assets listed is also suitable for insurance purposes.

Therefore, although it sounds relatively straightforward, it is essential to understand that the list is particular regarding the data that it compiles.

Sometimes Fixed Asset Effect can be a rather tricky process to keep records of where certain assets may be.

Some need physical verification, which means that the asset has to be seen to verify that it is still in use and where it is.

To make this process easier, the assets are all tagged using an engraved alpha-numeric identification number.

Fixed Assets can scan, and the asset condition, location, and other information can log. There are some assets, such as vehicles, for instance, that tag thanks to their registration numbers.

fixed asset register software

When an asset inventory In Saudi Arabia is being recorded, its value noted. That means that there is a carrying cost.

That assigned to the asset. To determine the carrying cost, the asset must value.

The asset management value hinges on the asset’s present market value, price.

It would fetch should it be resold, and what it is worth should sell as scrap.

Those bookkeepers that work with FAR use software programs that have been specifically designed for this purpose.

The software produces reports whenever they required.

Furthermore, they also collate enormous amounts of data.

Thus, while it is true that they do not always make keeping the fixed asset register an easy task,

They make it one that is achievable in much less time.

Because of that reason alone, bookkeepers can have peace of mind knowing.

That the records are being kept and recorded.

Benefits of fixed asset register

  1. Discover new assets or add them to the asset inventory register with accurate details captured.
  2. Identify missing assets in the register to write off.
  3. Or highlight redundant assets and no longer in use and awaiting disposal.
  4. Record the condition of each asset, noting those in poor need or OH&S risk, resulting in a proactive asset management replacement program.
  5. Fixed Assets reduce the risks of business interruption by being able to pinpoint the whereabouts and availability of assets. Better manage regulatory compliance so that you can report and trust the data.
  6. Optimize the financial benefits of accurate data by knowing what assets there are and ensuring that total tax depreciation, accountancy status, and warranty entitlements realized.

Fixed Asset Register

Keeping a Fixed Asset Register or FAR is an important part of bookkeeping and accounting for any business.

A business may use various tangible fixed assets such as machinery, equipment, land, or buildings when carrying out its trade;

the fixed asset register helps maintain control.

All manufacturing companies have to invest in various asset types,

and this expenditure can represent a substantial part of their ongoing budgets. In addition, hotels, banks,

and service providers also need to invest in multiple assets to promote their businesses.

Therefore, these businesses need to analyze and understand the amount of money that spent in procuring.

these assets and how it affects their profitability; this is one of the primary purposes of the FAR and why it used.

Fixed Asset Register Details

Specific essential details included in the register that is of prime importance; a unique financial planning serial number,

concise explanation of the asset, details of when the asset bought, the cost of acquiring the asset, and the method of payment, i.e.,

paid in full by cash or cheque or using a loan arrangement.

In addition, the Fixed Asset Effect register also includes other details such as the depreciation rate of the asset,

the method of depreciation used (straight line or reducing balance method), the yearly depreciation charge, and the netbook value.

FAR serves

The FAR serves many purposes in business; it provides a good overview of which assets used to generate revenue and their associated costs.

In addition, it provides information as to which assets need to replace because of age or are redundant and could sell off. In this respect, the FAR is a vital ”reference tool” when planning its capital expenditure budget.

The details in the FAR also back up the fixed asset figure that appears on the balance sheet.

Therefore, it should be possible to compare the fixed assets in the management accounts against the register at the end of a reporting period.

It also acts as a check to ensure that the financial statements at the year-end correctly reflect the cost, depreciation, and netbook values of any fixed assets.


It saw that maintenance of the FAR is essential for a business.

It can track the movements in fixed assets during a financial year and plays a crucial role when providing relevant information for management decisions and preparing financial statements.
Do you not have Hardcat software but still need our audit and reconciliation administrative services? No problem,

we can utilize our software and technologies to deliver you an accurate asset register in the format you require.